Direct access to a Bitmap using GetDIBits and SetDIBits
In the Grabbing a snapshot of the screen article, I said: “I’m planning on altering the snapshot before displaying it.”. This article shows how to alter a bitmap by directly accessing the raw bits.
If we start with the code from the previous article, it’s as simple as adding the following code:
// BLOCK: Copy a chunk of the screen to the memory DC.
CWindowDC screenDC(NULL);
memoryDC.BitBlt(0, 0, clientRect.Width(), clientRect.Height(),
&screenDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
// Find out about the bitmap.
BITMAP bitmapObject;
// Get the BITMAPINFO structure for the bitmap.
+ 256*sizeof(RGBQUAD));
memset(&bmi->bmiHeader, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
bmi->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
int scanLineCount = GetDIBits(dc, memoryBitmap, 0,
bitmapObject.bmHeight, NULL, bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
// Allocate a buffer for the bits.
int imageBytes = dib::GetBitmapBytes(&bmi->bmiHeader);
char *pSourceBits = (char *)malloc(imageBytes);
// Get the bits.
scanLineCount = GetDIBits(dc, memoryBitmap, 0,
bitmapObject.bmHeight, pSourceBits, bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
// Munge them.
ASSERT(bmi->bmiHeader.biBitCount == 32);
// Iterate over the bits, munging them.
dib::ApplyBitmapTransform(bmi, pSourceBits, pSourceBits,
::SetDIBits(dc, memoryBitmap, 0, bitmapObject.bmHeight,
pSourceBits, bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
// We're done; free the memory.
This shows one way to call GetDIBits
. We call it twice: once to find out about the bitmap, and then again to copy the actual data.
We also need the implementations of dib::ApplyBitmapTransform
and dib::GetBitmapBytes
. They look like this:
namespace dib
int GetBytesPerPixel(int depth)
return (depth==32 ? 4 : 3);
int GetBytesPerRow(int width, int depth)
int bytesPerPixel = GetBytesPerPixel(depth);
int bytesPerRow = ((width * bytesPerPixel + 3) & ~3);
return bytesPerRow;
int GetBitmapBytes(int width, int height, int depth)
return height * GetBytesPerRow(width, depth);
int GetBitmapBytes(const BITMAPINFOHEADER *bmih)
return GetBitmapBytes(bmih->biWidth, bmih->biHeight, bmih->biBitCount);
template <class Transform>
void ApplyBitmapTransform(const BITMAPINFO *bmi,
const void *pSourceBits, void *pDestBits, const Transform & trans)
ASSERT(bmi->bmiHeader.biBitCount == 32);
const RGBQUAD *pSource = (const RGBQUAD *)pSourceBits;
RGBQUAD *pDest = (RGBQUAD *)pDestBits;
for (int y = 0; y < bmi->bmiHeader.biHeight; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < bmi->bmiHeader.biWidth; ++x)
int offset = x + (bmi->bmiHeader.biWidth * y);
RGBQUAD src = pSource[offset];
RGBQUAD dst = trans(src);
pDest[offset] = dst;
class ColourShiftTransform
// Shift the channel down a little,
// making sure that we don't wrap.
BYTE Downshift(BYTE b, BYTE down_by) const
if (b > down_by)
return b - down_by;
return 0;
// Shift the channel up a little,
// making sure that we saturate, rather than wrap.
BYTE Upshift(BYTE b, BYTE up_by) const
if (b < (255 - up_by))
return b + up_by;
return 255;
class RedShiftTransform : public ColourShiftTransform
RGBQUAD operator() (RGBQUAD src) const
RGBQUAD result;
result.rgbBlue = Downshift(src.rgbBlue, 40);
result.rgbGreen = Downshift(src.rgbGreen, 40);
result.rgbRed = Upshift(src.rgbRed, 40);
result.rgbReserved = src.rgbReserved;
return result;