Finding IIS Worker Processes
How do we find out if there’s a worker process for an application pool? Note that there can be more than one worker process for each application pool. Note also that a worker process can host multiple web applications.
In IIS 7.x, you can use appcmd
(which is in C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv
), as follows:
> appcmd list wp
WP "8828" (applicationPool:DefaultAppPool)
There doesn’t seem to be a PowerShell equivalent for this, but we can do something like the following:
function Get-WebAppPoolWorker() {
& $appcmd list wp |
% {
$m = [regex]::Match($_, 'WP "(\d+)" \((.*)\)')
$o = New-Object PSObject
$processId = [int] $m.Groups[1].Value
$o | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ProcessId -Value $processId
# The output from 'appcmd list apppool' has (prop1:val1,prop2:val2),
# so we'll just deal with that.
$props = $m.Groups[2].Value
$props.Split(',') | % {
$prop = $_.Split(':')
$o | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $prop[0] -Value $prop[1]
Write-Output $o