Debugging gen_server timeouts
When an error occurs in the Electric Imp backend, it’s logged and collated, and we regularly review error reports to see if there’s anything that needs looking at.
Occasionally we’d see an error that looked something like this (I’ve ellided logging metadata and a bunch of the call stack):
2019-09-19 21:18:09.761 imp_server@node [error] ... <0.26971.2508>@imp_protocol:call_handler:247 timeout exit at [{gen_server,call,2,[{file,"gen_server.erl"},{line,215}]}, ...}]
2019-09-19 21:18:09.762 imp_server@node [error] <0.26971.2508> gen_server <0.26971.2508> terminated with reason: timeout in gen_server:call/2 line 215
2019-09-19 21:18:09.763 imp_server@node [error] <0.26971.2508> CRASH REPORT Process <0.26971.2508> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: timeout in gen_server:call/2 line 215
2019-09-19 21:18:09.764 imp_server@node [error] <0.30948.2518> gen_server <0.30948.2518> terminated with reason: timeout
2019-09-19 21:18:09.764 imp_server@node [error] <0.30948.2518> CRASH REPORT Process <0.30948.2518> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: timeout in gen_server:decode_msg/9 line 432
2019-09-19 21:18:09.764 imp_server@node [error] <0.7906.2452> gen_fsm <0.7906.2452> in state ready terminated with reason: timeout
2019-09-19 21:18:09.764 imp_server@node [error] <0.7906.2452> CRASH REPORT Process <0.7906.2452> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: timeout in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 609
2019-09-19 21:18:09.764 imp_server@node [error] <0.26971.2508> Ranch listener '...' terminated with reason: timeout
At Electric Imp, we offer a secure-by-default Internet-of-Things platform. One of our features is that each IoT device has a corresponding “agent” running in our cloud, so that the device need not remain connected (good for battery life).
The error was caused by a timeout in a call from the device connection process to the agent process. Calls use
, which has a default timeout of 5 seconds.
This was only happening in our production environment, and only once or twice a month. The particular call was idempotent, and the calling process would restart anyway (because this is Erlang).
So, other than occasionally having another peek at the relevant code (which wasn’t yielding any obvious clues), we didn’t assign a high priority to the error report.
This week, the error started occurring a few times a day, and always for the same connected device. So I started to dig in.
When you see a timeout
exception from gen_server:call
, it often means that a particular handle_call
clause is
taking more than 5 seconds (the default timeout) to reply. Inspecting the source code had me fairly convinced that all
of our handle_call
clauses were OK. 5 seconds is a long time, and I couldn’t see how any of them could be taking
that long.
Another potential cause is that the gen_server
is processing a lot of messages, and the '$gen_call'
message from
is being held up in the message queue.
I asked on the Erlang mailing list to see if
anyone could suggest a way (preferably built-in) to trigger an alert if a gen_server
didn’t meet its “SLA” for
. There appears to be nothing built in, but Jesper
suggested modifying the caller to call
to find out what the callee was doing if it timed out. Max followed up with some code lifted
from their product which extracts the stack trace and a few other things.
So I modified Max’s code (which was specific to their product) and hotpatched the Erlang node to dump the callstack and the current message queue if we saw another timeout exception. Then I went to the gym (one of the benefits of working remotely) while I waited for it to happen again.
Unfortunately, I forgot to mention that the calling process and called process are in different Erlang nodes, and I
missed the note in the documentation that says that erlang:process_info/2
doesn’t work on non-local processes. So,
when I got back from the gym, I discovered a different set of errors in the logs, complaining about the misuse of
Siraaj and Aleksey had suggested modifying the called process to wrap handle_call
to alert if the SLA wasn’t met, but
I felt that this would be a little invasive on a production server. It’s something we’ll be looking at in future,
But: based on the idea that I’d want to record the entry and exit timestamps for handle_call
, I decided to reach for
Erlang’s dbg
module, which allows you to be notified when a function is called or returns, and I came up with
something which I could apply in an Erlang remote console. I’ll break it down.
First, we define our trace function. This will get called whenever something interesting happens. It looks like this:
%% TState :: map(Fun -> [{Time, Arg0}]).
TFun =
fun(_Msg = {trace, _Pid, call, {Mod, Fun, [Arg0 | _]}}, TState) ->
% push an entry timestamp.
Call = {erlang:monotonic_time(), Arg0},
maps:update_with(Fun, fun(Calls) -> [Call | Calls] end, [Call], TState);
(_Msg = {trace, _Pid, return_from, {Mod, Fun, _Arity}, _Result}, TState) ->
% pop entry timestamp.
[{Then, Arg0} | Calls] = maps:get(Fun, TState),
AssertElapsed(Pid, Fun, Arg0, Then),
maps:update(Fun, Calls, TState)
When it sees a call
message, it pushes the current timestamp, and when it sees a return_from
message, it pops that
timestamp and asserts that not too much time has elapsed. It assumes that you’ve already defined AssertElapsed
The calls are recorded in a map keyed by the function name. This is because any of the gen_server
callbacks could
block message processing, so we need to record Mod:handle_call
, Mod:handle_info
and Mod:handle_cast
Each call has a stack of entry timestamps, because in some modules you’ll have handle_call
call itself. It also
records the first argument so that we can tell the difference between the various handle_call
and handle_info
looks like this:
AssertElapsed =
fun(Pid, Call, Req, Then) ->
Now = erlang:monotonic_time(),
ElapsedMicros = erlang:convert_time_unit(Now - Then, native, microsecond),
ElapsedMicros > 5000 ->
io:format("~s ~p(~p) took ~B us\n",
[lists:flatten(ec_date:format("c", calendar:universal_time())), Call, Req, ElapsedMicros]);
true ->
{message_queue_len, QueueLen} = erlang:process_info(Pid, message_queue_len),
QueueLen > 5 ->
io:format("~s ~p\n", [lists:flatten(ec_date:format("c", calendar:universal_time())), erlang:process_info(Pid, messages)]);
true ->
It asserts two things: that the elapsed time between entering and leaving the function was less than 5ms, and that there
are no more than 5 messages in the queue. It uses ec_date:format
(from Erlware Commons) for formatting the time.
Now all we need to do is hook it up:
Mod = ...
Pid = ...
dbg:tracer(process, {TFun, TState0}).
dbg:tpl(Mod, handle_call, '_', dbg:fun2ms(fun(_) -> return_trace() end)).
dbg:tpl(Mod, handle_info, '_', dbg:fun2ms(fun(_) -> return_trace() end)).
dbg:tpl(Mod, handle_cast, '_', dbg:fun2ms(fun(_) -> return_trace() end)).
dbg:p(Pid, c).
Note that I was careful to trace only a few functions and only a single process. Remember: this is a production server.
I came back a few hours later after dinner to find the following (details ellided) in my console:
2019-09-20 20:32:06 handle_info({log, ...}) took 30121427 us
30 seconds. Hmmm. We’re spending so long in handle_info
that a gen_server:call
immediately afterward times out.
But now I had a specific place to start digging.
After all that, the conclusion is a little underwhelming: we had a hand-written list_join
function, dating from when
we were targetting Erlang/OTP R16. For a particular degenerate class of input, the performance was … not good.
Replacing it with lists:join/2
(introduced in OTP-19.0) results in a call that previously took 30 seconds now taking
~120 milliseconds. I think I’ll call that an improvement.