AWS Glacier with PowerShell

22 Aug 2022 08:10 aws aws-glacier powershell

I needed to delete a Glacier vault, which (because it’s not empty) needs the use of an SDK or the CLI. Since I’m using Windows, I figured that I might as well take the opportunity to play with the AWS Tools for PowerShell.


I was looking at the bill for my personal AWS account (a whole $8/mo…), and I noticed that about $2 of that was for Amazon Glacier, which I haven’t used since experimenting with it a while ago. The AWS web interface won’t delete a vault if it contains any data, so you need to use the REST API, one of the SDKs, or the AWS CLI. So I used the AWS Tools for PowerShell.


The AWS Tools for PowerShell are published to the PowerShell gallery. They’re broken into separate modules, so you need to install them individually. For example:

Install-Module -Name AWS.Tools.Glacier

AWS provides the AWS.Tools.Installer module, but I don’t really see the point, since you use that like this:

Install-Module -Name AWS.Tools.Installer
Install-AWSToolsModule Glacier

…which is more typing. The only advantage seems to be that it accepts a comma-separated list of modules to install:

Install-AWSToolsModule EC2,S3,Glacier   # etc.

Listing exported commands

An aside:

PS> Get-Module AWS.Tools.Glacier | % { $_.ExportedCommands.Keys } | sort


Initially, any attempt to use a command fails with something like the following:

PS> Get-GLCVaultList
Get-GLCVaultList: No credentials specified or obtained from persisted/shell defaults.

If you’re also using the original AWS CLI, which expects credentials in ~/.aws/credentials, the PowerShell tools will use those credentials. Otherwise, you can use the Set-AWSCredential command:

Set-AWSCredential -AccessKey AKIA.... -SecretKey ... -StoreAs MyProfileName
Initialize-AWSDefaultConfiguration -ProfileName MyProfileName -Region eu-west-2     # eu-west-2 is London

Listing Vaults

PS> Get-GLCVaultList

CreationDate      : 07/08/2020 09:29:02
LastInventoryDate : 14/08/2020 16:46:08
NumberOfArchives  : 125926
SizeInBytes       : 622319054237
VaultARN          : arn:aws:glacier:eu-west-2:MyAccount:vaults/MyVault
VaultName         : MyVault

As you can see, I have a single vault (I deleted the empty ones in the web interface), which I don’t seem to have touched since 2020.

Deleting archives

PS> Remove-GLCVault -Force -VaultName MyVault
Remove-GLCVault: Vault not empty or recently written to: arn:aws:glacier:eu-west-2:<account>:vaults/MyVault

Nope. Still can’t delete the vault; I guess we really do have to delete the archives first.

Getting an inventory

To get the list of archives in the vault, we need to start an asynchronous “inventory-retrieval” job:

PS> Start-GLCJob -VaultName MyVault -JobType inventory-retrieval
# ...outputs JobId, JobOutputPath, Location fields.

Then we just periodically query the job to see if it’s finished:

PS> GetGLCJobList -VaultName MyVault

I don’t know how long the job is going to take to run. It feels like checking every hour or so would be OK.

Now we wait.

I went to the gym and then had lunch. After about 4 hours, the job was complete.

The documentation says that the results will be kept for at least 24 hours.

Getting the job output

Read-GLCJobOutput -VaultName MyVault -JobId The-Job-Id -FilePath C:\Users\roger\job.json

Parsing the job output

It’s JSON, so we can use ConvertFrom-JSON to turn it into a variable:

$job = Get-Content C:\Users\roger\job.json | ConvertFrom-JSON

Deleting the archives

$job.ArchiveList | % { Remove-GLCArchive -VaultName MyVault -ArchiveId $_.ArchiveId -Force }

…or with progress:

$curr = 0
$count = $job.ArchiveList.Count
foreach ($it in $job.ArchiveList) {
    $pct = (100 * $curr / $count) + 1
    if ($pct > 100) { $pct = 100 }
    Write-Progress -Activity "Removing Archives" -Status "${curr} / ${count}" -PercentComplete $pct
    Remove-GLCArchive -VaultName MyVault -ArchiveId $it.ArchiveId -Force

There are more accurate ways to calculate the exact percentage, but this’ll do. Note that -PercentComplete 0 shows 100%, so we add 1 to the calculated value. Because we’ve done that, we also need to make sure we don’t go over 100%.

To delete roughly 126,000 items, this took just under an hour and a half.

Deleting the vault?

So we should be good to delete the vault, then?

PS> Remove-GLCVault -Force -VaultName MyVault
Remove-GLCVault: Vault not empty or recently written to: arn:aws:glacier:eu-west-2:<account>:vaults/MyVault


I suspect that either I’ve screwed up something in the Remove-GLCArchive loop above, or that AWS Glacier won’t notice that the vault’s empty until it generates a new inventory. According to the documentation, that happens approximately once a day. Either way, I won’t know until that happens.

So I guess I’ll just leave it until tomorrow morning, and then I’ll check the inventory status every few hours with the following command:

Get-GLCVault -VaultName MyVault | Select-Object LastInventoryDate

Deleting the vault

It’s 9am the following morning, and the inventory’s been updated…

PS> (Get-GLCVault -VaultName MyVault).LastInventoryDate

Tue 23 August 2022 00:28:14

…and the vault can be deleted:

PS> Remove-GLCVault -Force -VaultName MyVault
# no output
PS> Get-GLCVaultList
# no output
