Simple log colouring in Erlang

21 Jan 2023 20:40 erlang

By default, the improved logger originally introduced in Erlang/OTP-21 doesn’t support per-level colours. This is something that I miss from lager and from Elixir’s Logger. Here’s a simple way to implement something like lager.

To be clear, there are a couple of implementations of this already. I’m doing this mostly as an explainer, and because I might build on this later.

To turn on the logger, you put the following in your config file:

    {kernel, [
        {logger_level, info},
        {logger, [
            {handler, default, logger_std_h, #{}}

Formatting can be controlled by the template option:

    {kernel, [
        {logger_level, info},
        {logger, [
            {handler, default, logger_std_h, #{
                formatter =>
                  {logger_formatter, #{
                    template => TemplateGoesHere

Here’s something pretty close to lager’s default formatting:

formatter =>
  {logger_formatter, #{
    legacy_header => false,
    single_line => true,
    template => [
      time, " ", "[", level, "]",
      {pid, [" ", pid, ""], ""},
      {mfa, [" ", mfa, ":", line], ""},
      ": ", msg, "\n"

But we can do better. We can add colours.

To do that, we’re going to need our own formatter:

formatter =>
  {logger_color_formatter, #{
    legacy_header => false,
    single_line => true,
    template => [
      time, " ", color, "[", level, "]",
      {pid, [" ", pid, ""], ""},
      {mfa, [" ", mfa, ":", line], ""},
      ": ", msg, reset, "\n"
Yeah; I went with en-US spellings. I’m not sure how I feel about that.

Note that we’ve added a term, color, before the opening bracket of the level, and reset before the "\n".

The default formatter only understands level and msg, which gives us two possible ways to implement this:

  1. Add them to metadata, or
  2. Implement a custom formatter. I opted for this one.

All that the custom formatter needs to do is replace color with the ANSI escape code for the relevant colour, and reset with the ANSI reset code.

That would look like this:


-export([config_check/1, format/2]).

config_check(Config) ->
    logger_formatter:check_config(update_config(Config, debug)).

format(LogEvent = #{level := Level}, Config) ->
    Config2 = update_config(Config, Level),
    logger_formatter:format(LogEvent, Config2).

update_config(Config = #{template := Template}, Level) ->
    Config#{template => update_template(Template, Level)};
update_config(Config, _Level) ->

update_template(Template, Level) ->
            (color) -> default_color(Level);
            (reset) -> "\e[0m";
            (Item) -> Item
        end, Template).

default_color(debug) -> "\e[0;38m";
default_color(info) -> "\e[1;37m";
default_color(notice) -> "\e[1;36m";
default_color(warning) -> "\e[1;33m";
default_color(error) -> "\e[1;31m";
default_color(critical) -> "\e[1;35m";
default_color(alert) -> "\e[1;44m";
default_color(emergency) -> "\e[1;41m".

And that’s basically it.

The source code is here: