gen_server debug options
Erlang’s gen_server
(and gen_statem
, etc.) allow for you to pass {debug, DebugOptions}
(et al.). The documentation for it is spread over several pages, making it hard to understand
at first. How should we use it?
Ordinarily when you start a gen_server
, you’ll do it something like this:
% etc.
start_link(Host, Port) ->
% Host, Port are just example names; we're not going to use them for anything.
gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, [Host, Port], []).
That empty list []
is the “start options” for the gen_server
. The start_opt()
type is documented here. The one we’re interested in is this one:
{debug, Dbgs :: [sys:debug_option()]}
is defined as follows:
debug_option() =
trace | log |
{log, N :: integer() >= 1} |
statistics |
{log_to_file, FileName :: file:name()} |
{Func :: dbg_fun(), FuncState :: term()} |
{FuncId :: term(), Func :: dbg_fun(), FuncState :: term()}}
in {log_to_file, FileName}
is relative to the current working directory. You should use a fully-qualified name.
The documentation says:
For every entry in Dbgs, the corresponding function in sys(3) is called.
I initially read this as meaning “the corresponding function […] is called with the debug event. That is: when
wants to emit a debug event, it will call (e.g.) sys:trace
. This is not how it works.
What it means is that this…
{ok, Pid} = gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, [], [{debug, [trace, {log_to_file, "debug.log"}]}]).
…is the same as this:
{ok, Pid} = gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, [], []),
sys:trace(Pid, true),
sys:log_to_file(Pid, "debug.log").
That’s not strictly true – it doesn’t actually call those functions – but it does the equivalent.
and log_to_file
Essentially, what it’s saying is that if you do this:
start_link(Host, Port) ->
Dbgs = [trace, {log_to_file, "debug.log"}],
gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, [Host, Port], [{debug, Dbgs}]).
…then, at appropriate points, gen_server
will write debug events to stdout and to the named file. It will look
something like this:
1> {ok, Pid} = example_server:start_link().
2> gen_server:call(Pid, hello).
*DBG* <0.183.0> got call hello from <0.176.0>
*DBG* <0.183.0> sent ok to <0.176.0>, new state {state}
The file debug.log
contains the following:
*DBG* <0.183.0> got call hello from <0.176.0>
*DBG* <0.183.0> sent ok to <0.176.0>, new state {state}
That’s trace
and log_to_file
covered. What about some of the others?
If you specify {debug, [log]}
, then gen_server
records the events internally. You can retrieve them by using sys:log/2
3> {ok, Events} = sys:log(Pid, get).
4> sys:log(Pid, print).
*DBG* <0.175.0> got call hello from <0.168.0>
*DBG* <0.175.0> sent ok to <0.168.0>, new state {state}
You can also see them in the output from sys:get_status/1
, or in Observer’s process window, in the “State” tab.
This collects various, well, statistics about the process:
10> sys:statistics(Pid, true).
11> gen_server:call(Pid, hello).
12> sys:statistics(Pid, get).
You can see that it records the following:
: when statistics collection was turned on.current_time
: the current time; you can use this with the above to work out how long statistics collection has been enabled for.reductions
: the number of “reductions” that have been run while statistics collection has been enabled. Reductions are a count of how many function calls have happened; they’re a rough estimate of how much work the process has done.messages_in
are a count of how many messages have been sent and received through thegen_server
mechanisms. They do not countOtherPid ! Message
from thegen_server
This allows you to install your own debugging function. For example, enter the following in the console:
DebugFun = fun(DebugState, Event, ProcState) ->
io:format("~p ~p\n", [Event, ProcState]),
case DebugState of
10 -> done;
Count -> Count + 1
{ok, Pid} = example_server:start_link().
sys:install(Pid, {DebugFun, 1}).
This installs a debug function that prints out the first ten debug events and then is automatically removed.