BEAM Telemetry: Cowboy Metrics

15 Jan 2023 12:55 erlang erlang-cowboy

Cowboy is probably the most popular HTTP server for the Erlang and Elixir ecosystem. Here’s how to get metrics from it.

Note that this post only looks at getting the metrics from cowboy and doesn’t cover publishing them anywhere. I’ll discuss that in a later post.

Hello world app

We’ll create a simple “Hello World” app. Start with rebar3 new as follows:

rebar3 new app name=cowboy_metrics_demo

Add cowboy as a dependency to rebar.config and the file, and then update the cowboy_metrics_demo_app.erl file as follows:

start(_StartType, _StartArgs) ->
    Dispatch = cowboy_router:compile([
        {'_', [
            {"/", home_handler, []}
    {ok, _} = cowboy:start_clear(
        [{port, 8190}],
        #{env => #{dispatch => Dispatch}}

Add home_handler.erl:


init(Req0, Opts) ->
    Headers = #{<<"content-type">> => <<"text/plain">>},
    Body = <<"Hello World">>,
    Req = cowboy_req:reply(200, Headers, Body, Req0),
    {ok, Req, Opts}.


For reporting metrics, cowboy 2.x gives us cowboy_metrics_h. See for the documentation.

To expose metrics from the cowboy pipeline, update the cowboy options as follows:

    {ok, _} = cowboy:start_clear(
        [{port, 8190}],
          env => #{dispatch => Dispatch},
          % add the following:
          stream_handlers => [cowboy_metrics_h, cowboy_stream_h],
          metrics_callback => fun metrics_callback/1

cowboy_metrics_h also provides metrics_req_filter and metrics_resp_headers_filter options. The documentation explains what they do, but not what they’re for. As far as I can tell, they’re for sanitising the inputs to metrics_callback – you might want to remove session cookies, auth headers, etc. It’s not clear to me why you can’t just do that in metrics_callback, though.

metrics_callback is called with everything you could need.

For this example, let’s just report some basics:

metrics_callback(_Metrics =
                     #{req := #{method := Method, path := Path},
                       req_start := ReqStart, req_end := ReqEnd, req_body_length := ReqBodyLength,
                       resp_start := RespStart, resp_end := RespEnd, resp_body_length := RespBodyLength,
                       resp_status := StatusCode}) ->
    ?LOG_DEBUG(#{method => Method,
                 path => Path,
                 req_elapsed => ReqEnd - ReqStart,
                 req_body_length => ReqBodyLength,
                 resp_elapsed => RespEnd - RespStart,
                 resp_body_length => RespBodyLength,
                 resp_status => StatusCode,
                 elapsed => RespEnd - ReqStart}),

The timestamps (req_start, etc.) are in Erlang “monotonic time” units. See this line in cowboy_metrics_h. This is reported in Erlang native time unit.

On my PC, that’s nanoseconds, but it’s implementation-dependent. To convert them to microseconds, use erlang:convert_time_unit(Elapsed, native, microsecond), as follows:

                 % ...
                 elapsed_us => erlang:convert_time_unit(RespEnd - ReqStart, native, microsecond)}),

What’s next?

Writing the metrics to the logger is a start, but it’s not going to give us any pretty graphs. To do that, we’ll need to integrate with Graphite, or Prometheus, or InfluxDB, or whatever. I’ll discuss that in a later blog post.