BEAM Telemetry: Prometheus
In the previous posts, we gathered metrics from Cowboy and Hackney. I’d like to publish the metrics to Prometheus.
To export metrics to Prometheus, your application exposes an HTTP endpoint and that’s regularly scraped for the metrics.
We could do this ourselves – it’s just a plain-text format – but someone’s already done it:
- prometheus.erl, which collects the metrics to ETS. It’s similar to
, which are other metrics libraries for Erlang. - prometheus_cowboy; which exports the metrics using Cowboy. If you don’t
want to use Cowboy, there’s also an exporter for Erlang’s built-in
, among others.
Out of the box, it reports Erlang VM metrics. There’s also an easy integration for reporting cowboy metrics which is an improvement on just logging them.
If we use it like like this…
-define(PORT, 8126).
start(_StartType, _StartArgs) ->
Dispatch =
[{"/metrics/[:registry]", prometheus_cowboy2_handler, []}]}]),
{ok, _} =
[{port, ?PORT}],
#{env => #{dispatch => Dispatch},
stream_handlers => [cowboy_stream_h]}),
?LOG_INFO("Cowboy server listening on port ~p", [?PORT]),
…then we can browse to http://localhost:8126/metrics/default
and see all of the exported metrics.
Erlang VM Metrics
Each one looks something like this:
# TYPE erlang_vm_memory_ets_tables gauge
# HELP erlang_vm_memory_ets_tables Erlang VM ETS Tables count.
erlang_vm_memory_ets_tables 56
This one is erlang_vm_memory_ets_tables
; it’s a gauge, described as “Erlang VM ETS Tables count”. My VM seems to have
56 ETS tables at the time this sample was taken. This agrees with length(ets:all())
, so that seems legit.
Unlike graphite metrics, for example, Prometheus metrics can have multiple labels, which provide dimensionality for your querying. Here’s an example of that:
# TYPE erlang_vm_memory_system_bytes_total gauge
# HELP erlang_vm_memory_system_bytes_total The total amount of memory currently allocated for the emulator that is not directly related to any Erlang process. Memory presented as processes is not included in this memory.
erlang_vm_memory_system_bytes_total{usage="atom"} 1098001
erlang_vm_memory_system_bytes_total{usage="binary"} 228192
erlang_vm_memory_system_bytes_total{usage="code"} 25677934
erlang_vm_memory_system_bytes_total{usage="ets"} 1870616
erlang_vm_memory_system_bytes_total{usage="other"} 18776457
This one is the memory usage. See erlang:memory/0
for details.
Other metrics might have more than one label. Here’s a snippet from erlang_vm_allocators
erlang_vm_allocators{alloc="binary_alloc",instance_no="6",kind="mbcs",usage="carriers"} 1
erlang_vm_allocators{alloc="binary_alloc",instance_no="6",kind="mbcs",usage="carriers_size"} 32768
erlang_vm_allocators{alloc="binary_alloc",instance_no="6",kind="mbcs",usage="blocks"} 0
erlang_vm_allocators{alloc="binary_alloc",instance_no="6",kind="mbcs",usage="blocks_size"} 0
It’s saying that the binary_alloc
allocator, instance 6, kind multi-block carrier (mbcs) currently has 1 carrier,
32KiB in size, with zero allocated blocks.
If you’ve got multiple instances of your service, you’ll want the scraper to add node/pod labels to the metrics when it imports them. Fortunately, VictoriaMetrics does that automatically. I assume Prometheus (and other scrapers) will do the same.
Cowboy Metrics
The prometheus_cowboy
package also provides an easy way to export cowboy’s own metrics. We use cowboy_metrics_h
describe in the previous post, but we can use
, rather than writing our own conversion function:
#{env => #{dispatch => Dispatch},
metrics_callback => fun prometheus_cowboy2_instrumenter:observe/1,
stream_handlers => [cowboy_metrics_h, cowboy_stream_h]}),
Next up: turning the Hackney metrics into Prometheus metrics.