Adding an extra (optional) page to the C# Wizard

29 Oct 2008 16:53 csharp wizard windows-forms

This seems to be causing a few problems, so I’ll quickly walk through it. I’ll try to throw some screenshots in later.

In the TestWizard project, choose “Add New Item”. In the dialog, choose “Inherited User Control” (it’s under Windows Forms). Call it OptionalPage.cs. The Inheritance Picker will appear. Choose “InternalWizardPage”.

In the forms designer, click on the banner and change the Title and Subtitle properties to “Optional Page” and “This page is optional”.

In the constructor for TestWizardSheet, add a line to add the OptionalPage:

    this.Pages.Add(new WelcomePage());
    this.Pages.Add(new MiddlePage());
    this.Pages.Add(new OptionalPage());     // ADD THIS
    this.Pages.Add(new CompletePage());

If you run the project now, you’ll see that the new page has been inserted in the correct place.

But we want to make it optional, so throw a check box onto MiddlePage. Add an event handler for WizardNext. Make it look like this:

    private void MiddlePage_WizardNext(object sender, WizardPageEventArgs e)
        if (checkBox1.Checked)
            e.NewPage = "OptionalPage";
            e.NewPage = "CompletePage";

Now, when you run through the wizard, the optional page doesn’t appear unless the check box is checked.

But wait. It does appear if you press “Back” on the final page. We’ll have to be a bit cleverer. Create a class like this:

public class TestWizardContext
    private bool _showOptionalPage;

    public bool ShowOptionalPage
        get { return _showOptionalPage; }
        set { _showOptionalPage = value; }

Create an instance in TestWizardSheet’s constructor and pass it to each of the pages that care:

    TestWizardContext context = new TestWizardContext();

    this.Pages.Add(new WelcomePage());
    this.Pages.Add(new MiddlePage(context));
    this.Pages.Add(new OptionalPage());
    this.Pages.Add(new CompletePage(context));

You’ll need to add a _context field to MiddlePage and CompletePage and initialize it in the constructor. Then, create a handler for the checkbox:

    private void checkBox1_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        _context.ShowOptionalPage = checkBox1.Checked;

Then, add a handler for WizardBack to CompletePage:

    private void CompletePage_WizardBack(object sender, WizardPageEventArgs e)
        if (_context.ShowOptionalPage)
            e.NewPage = "OptionalPage";
            e.NewPage = "MiddlePage";

Job done.